Tuesday, October 19, 2010

animals in cities

though many organisations showed sympathy toward animals. and even went to court and orders were passed . for safety of animals,but tnese organisations gained the sympathy or attention,none did something to rescue,save,care, or worked for their rehabilation. due to no proper food diseases, and no shelter they are seen in very bad porition. though there are many social organisations, n.g.o.,s who are seen on news working for them but actually nothing is done concrete for thes animals. though on record there are thousands of shelters for cows, monkeys,baboons,dogs and many wild life sanctuaries, but actually very few are serios on their responsibility or duty. you can find thousands of cows and many bulls on the rods,near schools,bazars,and residential colonies. the people throw food or waste of vegetables in polythenes and they swallow them . many times operated by veternary doctors for their removal.
the position of animals is very pity, they are living in very adverse condition. the care by owners,organisations,and n.g.o.,s is more on paper then actual . you can see bulls fighting on roads, people and children running in havoc and fear. foreigners who visit agra do photography and videography of such and show the development of our country. this is also a part of law and order. the street dogs are also to take care, many have skin diseaes,and other problems due to such problems they act wild and even bite many children and adults. this needs a sprcial attention for the safety of society. i request all genuine social workers to come forward for animals, new wild life shelters and places for carnivorous and herbivoruos animals to be developed in big areas. this will give green belt and ecological balancewill be self balanced by animals,vultures etc. the extinct breeds will survive because in jungles they will not be effected by pesticides, etc. these are harming a lot to animal world becuse animals living in cities like monkeys,cows,dogs cats are having more problems. the number of cats have reduced in cities due to rat killing products, the animals like dog,cat,crows,vulture eat it and they are towards less age or birds towarfs extinction. ecology itself manages the extra growth and as for example cats are necessary for controlling the population of rats. the animals which are of no value can be shifted to forests and wild life sanctuaries to maintain the ecological balance . the dogs in jungles will eat away the waste food left by big carnivores. . biggest benifit will be that if the animals number will increase in jungles people who cut trees, and harm other things will not enter the sancturies and jungles. due to less all type of animals who prevented to enter such place less no. has given opportunty to such illegal persons to enter these places. in olden times there were thousands of cow in jungles of mathura and nearby. nobody dared to enter there becuse they attacted if anybody was in their territory. this worst position has occured due to over cutting of woods and jungles and green area reduced due to extension of cities and metros without any planning which has become a threat for environment . please think for it for some improvements for nexxt generation to come and for a beautiful and clean, green world.......
najeeb khan
agra. 282005

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